Not all cleanse programs are designed with you in mind.  But they should be.  

Dr. Wilson’s Turn Back the Clock Detox Program is a 14 day food-based detox program designed to

  • Reverse Cellular Aging
  • Boost Metabolism and Energy
  • Promote Healthy Digestion
  • Clear Up Your Skin
  • Jumpstart Your Health and Weight Loss Goals
  • Help You Fall in Love With A Healthier Lifestyle

What This Is:

  • A 14 day food-based detox program with TONS of support
  • A complete plan and package to help you create, shop for, and prepare a menu of foods you will love to eat
  • Structure and support to make lifestyle changes that will jumpstart your health and weight goals

What This Isn’t:

  • A supplement sales platform (we won’t talk about supplements at all)
  • A complete menu plan (they’re often full of foods you don’t enjoy)
  • A plan that will leave you starving and at the mercy of cravings

“I am so grateful I did this. I have tried multiple cleanses and detoxing programs over the years. This is first one that actually has had a long term impact on how I think and feel - from the very beginning. Thank you so much Dr Wilson!!”

Hi, I’m Dr. Emilie Wilson.

I'm a functional medicine doctor and acupuncturist with a passion for empowering people through optimizing lifestyle choices. I've designed this 14 day detox program with reversing aging and boosting metabolism in mind!

Previous students have said:

 I have had pretty major digestive issues for the past 14 years, and since doing the detox, I feel like my system has been able to reset itself. This is pretty huge for me; for the past month I have felt like I have more energy than I have had in a very long time, I am no longer constantly bloated and my thinking is far more clear. This detox has turned into a lifestyle change for me. Although I will still enjoy a glass of wine here and there, I have come to reprioritize the way I eat and how I think about food.  

Best thing I ever did! This group helped me up my food game! -K.D.

I have made changes that will stay with me for the rest of my life simply by taking this detox.

My body wants to stay like this: happy!

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